Work Accidents Know NO Borders
Stay safe and healthy while posted to work abroad
The OSH e-Observatory provides information and evidence-based analysis of data on occupational safety and health of posted workers in the EU. The purpose of e-Observatory is to collect and enhance relevant information for stakeholders (posted workers, employers, competent public authorities, trade unions, employers' associations, NGOs), researchers and media about the overlooked issue of OSH in the context of posting abroad to provide services. The e-Observatory is co-created and regularly updated by a group of researchers involved in the EaSI-Progress funded project POOSH - Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers, with the intention to enhance access to information and inform public and policy debates on the issue.
Video from the final POOSH conference in Venice: POOSH round table discussion, 11 October 2018 (left).
Videos from the POOSH conference "Employment/Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers".
The conference took place in Ljubljana on 15 February 2017.
The occupational safety and health of posted workers is regulated by the Directive on Posting of Workers (96/71/EC), the Enforcement Directive (2014/67/EU) and the European Framework Directive on Safety and Health at Work (Directive 89/391 EEC).
Ljubljana, 2024
This book presents the issue of access to information in the posting of workers. The authors identify and assess the practices and challenges of construction companies involved in the posting of workers, either as posting companies sending their workers to provide a service from one European Union (EU) country to another or as a user company that receives the services provided by posting companies and their posted workers. The chapters in this book contribute to the debates on the posting of workers by filling a gap in understanding how transnational posting companies and user or receiving companies find and use information in their interaction with national institutions and how that affects their overall performance in terms of the correct application of the posting rules and the protection of labour and social standards.
VISIT WEB-SITELjubljana, December, 2020
Project Con3Post (Posting of Third Country Nationals, EaSI-Progress, VP/2018/011/0019 ) explored the growing and under-researched trend of recruiting and posting of TCNs in the construction sector in order to produce new evidence-based knowledge, provide space for multi-stakeholder transnational cooperation and exchange of information within and beyond the EU, and promote fair and safe working conditions for workers. It specifically addressed the issue of OSH of TCN posted workers. Visit project's web-site or explore project's main outcomes in news articles under News and Information here.
VISIT WEB-SITEVienna, 2019
A new policy brief on occupational safety and health of posted workers has been recently published by European Centre in Vienna.
SEE DOCUMENTSonila Danaj and Eszter Zolyomi, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research
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