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The topic of OSH of posted workers presented at three international conferences
Ljubljana, 2017

Research team member Mojca Vah Jevšnik outlined the gap in research on health and wellbeing of posted workers at the international conference Employment/Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health of Posted Workers, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia (Februar 15, 2017): PROJECT BOOKLET PDF (1,87 KB)
Research team member Mojca Vah Jevšnik spoke about the importance of sharing information on the occupational safety and health of posted workers at the conference Information matters: towards positive patways of migrant integration, which was hosted by the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovak Republic (October 26, 2017).
Research team member Mojca Vah Jevšnik joined forces with a fellow researcher Sanja Cukut Krilić to prepare a paper for the conference European Union, Brexit – the future of workers' rights, held in London, UK (November 11, 2017). The topic in focus was insecurities and vulnerabilities of migrant and posted workers, with a particular focus on working conditions and OSH.