
Labour mobility and worker protection in the EU

POOSH Transnational Conference, Ljubljana, 15th of February, 2017

Magdalena Bernaciak, European Trade Union Institute

Enforcement of OSH regulation for posted workers

POOSH Transnational Conference, Ljubljana, 15th of February, 2017

Karel Van Damme, OSH Labour Inspection / Belgian Federal Public Service Employment

Institutional mechanisms for OSH protection of posted workers provided by the Austrian Labour Inspectorate

POOSH fieldwork, Vienna, 16th of November, 2017

Dietmar Haslinger, Labour Inspectorate for construction work, Vienna, Austria

Analysis of the OSH situation of temporary migrant workers in Slovakia

POOSH fieldwork, Bratislava, 5th of February, 2018

Miroslava Kordošová and Jana Urdziková, Institute for Labour and Family Research, Slovakia

Romanian workers posted to Italy

POOSH fieldwork, Bucarest, 11th of January 2018

Emilia Spurcaciu, Inca Cgil, Romania

The posting of workers in the Italian construction sector

POOSH fieldwork, Rome , 22nd of November 2017

Mercedes Landolfi, Fillea Cgil, Italia

Working conditions and OSH of posted workers in Belgium

POOSH fieldwork, Brussels, 14th of November 2017

Jan Buelens, lawyer at Progress Lawyers Network (Brussels) and professor at Antwerpen University

OSH conditions of posted workers in Belgium

POOSH fieldwork, Brussels, 16th of November 2017

Hilaire Willems, Labour Inspectorate / Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue, Belgium

POOSH Project: Main Findings and Recommendations

Interview with the author of the POOSH Comparative report, 12th of October 2018

Sonila Danaj, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research, Austria

OSH of posted workers: statement by Philippe Vanden Broeck

POOSH Joint Visit, Brussels, 28th of March, 2018

Philippe Vanden Broeck, Belgian FPS Employment, Labour and Social

OSH of posted workers: statement by Kris De Meester

POOSH Joint Visit, Brussels, 28th of March, 2018

Kris De Meester, Federation of Enterprises in Belgium/BusinessEurope, Health and Safety Working Group

OSH of posted workers: statement by IG metall member

POOSH fieldwork, 19th december 2017

IG metall member, german trade union

OSH of posted workers: statement by Viktor Kempa

POOSH Joint Visit, Brussels, 28th of March, 2018

Viktor Kempa, European Trade Union Institute

OSH of posted workers: statement by DGB project member

POOSH fieldwork, 30th january 2018

DGB project member, project of the german trade union confederation DGB

OSH of posted workers: statement by Rodica Novac

POOSH fieldwork, 5th december 2018, Bucharest

Rodica Novac, CONECT Association, POOSH fieldwork