- POOSH country reports (11)
- Case studies and reports (53)
- Related projects (20)
- Policy briefs (12)
- Other (1)
age related factors Albania Austria Belgium comparative report construction sector Croatia employers EU level information Italy manual migrant workers Montenegro North Macedonia occupational diseases OSH legislation OSH strategy posting of workers prevention Romania Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain stress at work survey third country nationals transport sector transposition work accidents workers´ participation workers´ rights working conditionsCase studies and reports

Worker participation in the management of occupational safety and health — qualitative evidence from ESENER-2: Country report – Spain
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2017). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
Luxembourg, 2017
This research was designed to analyse the current participation of workers in occupational safety and health risk prevention. What are the main barriers and obstacles to their participation? What practices might encourage their participation? What actors are involved and how could they help to improve the process of participation and occupational health? These questions are part of the remit of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), which proposed this in-depth analysis of the links between worker participation and occupational safety and health.
Guide du bien-être au travail [Guide to well-being at work]
Association Bruxelloise pour le Bien-Etre au Travail (2017). Brussels: ABBET.
Belgium, 2017
This guide is aimed at entrepreneurs and employers. It provides information on the legal obligations regarding health and safety at work and contains ready-made template documents and information sheets.
Working conditions of workers posted to the territory of Slovak Republic
National Labour Inspectorate (2017).
Slovakia, 2017
In this document, the labour inspectorate summaries the regulations on working conditions of posted workers who are posted to Slovakia. It includes a section on occupational safety and health.
Relazione Annuale 2016 del Presidente: Appendice statistica [Annual report 2016: Statistical appendix]
INAIL (2017). Rome: INAIL.
Italy, 2017
The Annual report of the Italian Workers Compensation Authority includes statistical data on accident at work and occupational diseases registered in Italy in 2015. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Evaluation of the EU Occupational Safety and Health Directives: Country Summary Report for Italy
Mirabile, M., Valenti, A. (2017). COWI, OIM, Milieu Ltd.
Italy, 2017
The report summarizes the national and international legal framework regarding OSH in Italy and provides information on the main authorities, stakeholders and legislation. It identifies immigrant workers as a vulnerable group, but does not mention posted workers.
Salute e sicurezza in agricoltura: Un’indagine conoscitiva sui lavoratori immigrati [Health and safety in the agricultural sector: The research of immigrant workers]
INAIL (2016). Rome: INAIL.
Italy, 2016
The report focuses on health and safety at work of immigrant workers employed in the agricultural sector. It provides information on the context of reference, the dimensions of the migratory phenomenon in Italy, accidents and occupational diseases, health protection and safety at work. It does not include information on the posting of workers.
Contexts and arrangements for occupational safety and health in micro and small enterprises in the EU – SESAME PROJECTS
EU-OSHA (2016). Bilbao: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).
Spain, 2016
This report presents findings from the first phase of the project, which reviewed up-to-date knowledge on OSH in MSEs, identifying what is currently known and where the gaps are, including the degree of existing OSH arrangements and outcomes, as well as contextual issues such as regulatory environment and available support. e-priročnik za delavce, delodajalce in pristojne javne uslužbence [ e-handbook for workers, employers and competent public authorities]
Rogelja, N., Toplak, K., Mlekuž, J. (2016).
Slovenia, 2016
The e-manual for workers, employers and competent public servants wishes to increase accessibility, transparency and coherence of information about posting workers for different target groups: workers, employers and competent public servants. It brings general information about posting workers to Slovenia and from Slovenia (types, general conditions and rules for postings), insight into legislation (international within the EU and Slovenian with the emphasis on the Directive 96/71/ES and Directive 2014/67/EU in the field of posting workers) and practical guidance for workers and employers as well as the responsible public administrators. It includes a section on occupational safety and health.
Stratégia bezpečnosti a ochrany zdravia pri práci v Slovenskej republike na roky 2016 až 2020 a program jej realizácie [Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health for the Slovak Republic]
Institute for Labor and Family Research (2016).
Slovakia, 2016
The strategy summaries the current state of OSH in Slovakia and lists the priorities in the field of OSH for the years 2016 to 2020. It identifies key areas for improvement and outlines the pathways to strengthen the cooperation of stakeholders.
Informe sobre el estado de la seguridad y salud laboral en España [report on the status of labour safety and health in Spain]
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (2016).
Spain, 2016
The objective of the report is to analyse the state of the situation in which Spain is in terms of prevention of occupational risks, in which all those who have something or much to say from the different Institutions that they represent have been involved.
Safer and healthier work at any age: Country Inventory: Belgium
Verjans, M., Vandenbroeck, S., Lambreghts, C., Fries-Tersch, E. (2016). European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).
Belgium, 2016
The report especially focuses on age related factors of OSH, but provides a section on labour, OSH and antidiscrimination Belgian legislation. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Safer and healthier work at any age: Country Inventory: Austria
Prammer, E., Eichmann, H., Fries-Tersch, E. (2016). European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).
Austria, 2016
The report especially focuses on age related factors of OSH and includes an overview of the Austrian OSH framework and stakeholders, but does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically.
Safer and healthier work at any age: Country Inventory: Italy
Banfi, P., Fries-Tersch, E. (2016). European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).
Italy, 2016
The report especially focuses on age related factors of OSH, but provides a section on Labour, OSH and antidiscrimination Italian legislation. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Posting of Workers: Sharing Experiences, Promoting Best Practices and Improving Access to Information: Final expert report
Vah Jevšnik, M., Cukut Krilić, S. (2016).
Slovenia, 2016
The aim of the report is to summarise and reflect on a variety of issues relating to the process of posting of workers that were discussed at the transnational events held within the framework of the project and attended by stakeholders from the participant countries. The chapters outline these debates and combine them with an extensive literature review in order to define the existing and emerging challenges, such as establishing efficient transnational cooperation between competent public bodies, developing amendments to the existing Posting of Workers Directive, reacting to social dumping and other violations of workers’ rights, and neglecting the issue of occupational safety and health of posted workers. Based on the findings, the report provides some recommendations to inform the policy dialogue in Slovenia and other EU countries, and outlines further research possibilities relating to the issue of posting of workers.
Safe and healthier work at any age: Country Inventory: Slovakia
Kordošová, M., Fries-Tersch, E. (2016). European Agency for Safety and Health at Work.
Slovakia, 2016
The report especially focuses on age related factors of OSH, but includes an overview of the Slovak institutional structure for OSH and the stakeholders.
Occupational Safety and Health Strategy: Structures, processes and tasks
Kerschhagl, J., Kaida, G. (2016). Vienna: Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
Austria, 2016
The report presents the structures of the Occupational Safety and Health Strategy 2013-2020 for Austria. It gives an overview of the relevant stakeholders and bodies involved in the OSH process at regional and national levels, as well as the coordination and decision making processes, but does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically.
Evaluation of the EU Occupational Safety and Health Directives: Country Summary Report for Austria
Mairhuber, I., Prammer, E. (2015). Vienna: FORBA.
Austria, 2015
In-depth report on the legal framework regarding OSH in Austria, describing the main authorities, stakeholders and legislation. It also depicts compliance with rules and rule enforcement. While it highlights some vulnerable groups of workers, does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically.
Evaluation of the EU Occupational Safety and Health Directives: Country Summary Report for Belgium
Vancauwenbergh, S., Meura, L., Bruggeman, V. (2015). COWI, OIM, Milieu Ltd.
Belgium, 2015
The report summarizes the national legal framework regarding OSH in Belgium, focusing on the implementation of EU Directives. It provides information on the main authorities, stakeholders and legislation and maps the measures adopted by Belgium in order to improve the implementation of OSH requirements. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
The Belgian National Strategy for Wellbeing at Work 2016-2020 as proposed by the Minister of Employment: Strategic and operational objective
Minister of Employment (2015). Brussels: Ministry of Employment.
Belgium, 2015
The Belgian National Strategy for Wellbeing at Work 2016-2020 includes data on accidents at work and occupational diseases and offers an overview on preventive measures developed in order to achieve the main objectives of the national strategy. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Croatia: New law on occupational health and safety
Bejakovič, P., Klemenčič, I. (2015). Dublin: Eurofound.
Ireland, 2015
This report provides basic information on law on occupational health and safety passed by Croatia’s parliament on 30 May 2014. This law establishes a new governing body and builds on the previous 1996 act, now allowing employers to use audio and video monitoring devices. The act also introduces measures to help combat stress at work.
Posting Report: Belgium
EFBWW, FIEC (2014). Brussels: EFBWW.
Belgium, 2014
The report focuses on occupational, safety and health regulations applied to posted workers employed in the construction sector in Belgium. The section on “Health and safety rules” gives an overview of the procedures to be adopted in order to comply with the existing rules.
Posting Report: Italy
EFBWW, FIEC (2014). Brussels: EFBWW.
Belgium, 2014
The report focuses on occupational, safety and health regulations applied to posted workers employed in the construction sector in Italy. The section on “Health and safety rules” gives an overview of the procedures to be adopted in order to comply with the existing rules.
Infectious Disease Hazards in the Migrant Worker Population
Kosanović Ličina, M. L. (2014). Sigurnost: Časopis za sigurnost u radnoj in životnoj okolini 56 (1), 11–22.
Croatia, 2014
Work-related migration occurs between countries with different levels of economic standard and the workers migrating to an economically underdeveloped country often face the danger from infectious diseases. Infection by causative agents of infectious diseases affects not only the health of the migrant himself, but also overall health of the country of origin the migrant returns to. The risk of infection depends on the destination country, length of stay, accommodation, type of work and the health condition of the migrant. To reduce the possibility of infection, each migrant should be informed about health hazards and the ways of avoiding them before migrating or travelling, by consulting with physicians specialised in prevention of travel-related diseases.
Piano Nazionale della Prevenzione 2014-2018 [National Prevention Plan 2014-2018]
Ministero della Salute (2013). Rome: Ministry of Health.
Italy, 2013
The National Prevention Plan 2014-2018 includes a section on occupational safety and health strategy 2014-2018 for Italy (Macro obiettivo 7: Prevenire gli infortuni e le malattie professionali). It offers an overview on risk factors and preventive measures, national and international legislative framework, the main objectives of the national strategy. It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Impact of Living and Working Conditions on the Health of Migrant Workers
Bubaš, M., Kneževič, B., Krišto, D., Mihalinac-Bolanča, M., Pejnović, N., Bogadi-Šare, A. (2013). Sigurnost: Časopis za sigurnost u radnoj in životnoj okolini 55 (4), 333 – 339.
Croatia, 2013
Migrant workers live in poor conditions, often work in workplaces with low levels of occupational safety and are forced to live away from family for longer periods of time. Frequently, the risk of injury at work is high. Migrant workers have a higher incidence of a variety of diseases, many of which directly affect their work ability. Significant numbers of migrant workers are exposed to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, as well as to the ever growing incidence of HIV infection.
Estudio de requisitos de prevención en la internalización de empresas de la construcción [Study of prevention requirements in the internalisation of construction companies]
Arévalo Sarrate, C., Pascual dal Valle, J. P. (2013). Madrid: Fundación Agustín de Betancourt.
Spain, 2013
A study that analyses the challenges construction enterprises have to tackle regarding the protection of their workers.
Regulation and Enforcement of Posted Workers Employment Rights (PostER): Belgian Case Study Final Report
Ouali, N. (2012). Brussels: Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Belgium, 2012
This report presents the labour legislation applied to posted workers in Belgium and analyses the working conditions of posted workers in the construction industry and in the transport sector. Moreover, it examines existing good practices aimed at informing workers of their rights.
Welcome to Romania! Information guide for third -country nationals 2nd edition
Mocanu, G., Guga, S., Novac R. (2012). Bucarest: Little Lamb Suceava.
Romania, 2012
The guide is aimed at providing information regarding the rights, obligations and possibilities of integrating people as a foreign citizen that have a right of residence in Romania. By providing information regarding the responsibilities of the public institutions, the labour market, the protection and social assistance system in Romania, access to health care, ways of solving claims, forms of association, etc., the article wants to help improve their chances of benefiting from these rights, to prevent and fight discrimination in the workplace and social marginalisation, to increase mobility and present some ways of active participation in the life of the community they are part of.
OSH in figures: Occupational safety and health in the transport sector – an overview
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2011). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Luxembourg, 2011
This report, the fifth in the European Risk Observatory’s ‘OSH in figures’ series, seeks to describe the OSH situation of European transport workers and give an outlook to expected future developments. Work organisational changes as well as customer expectations and conflicting demands in a growing service economy have contributed to an increase in violence, there are growing concerns about transport workers fatigue, and increasingly transport workers suffer from stress and a variety of musculoskeletal disorders.
Study on the protection of workers' rights in subcontracting processes in the European Union – Italy
Orlandini, G. (2011). Siena.
Italy, 2011
This report provides an overview of applicable rules ensuring the protection of workers' rights in subcontracting, including posted workers. It includes a specific section regarding client’s and contractors’ obligations in the OSH field.
Zdravje migrantskih delavcev v Sloveniji: rezultati pilotske študije
Draksler, K. (2011). Zdravje migrantskih delavcev v Sloveniji: rezultati pilotske študije [Health of migrant workers in Slovenia: results of a pilot study]. Glasnik KIMDPŠ 5(1), 11-14.
Slovenia , 2011
This article provides results of a pilot study on health of migrant workers in Slovenia. The article does not have an abstract or summary in English.
In search of cheap labour in Europe: Working and living conditions of posted workers
Cremers, J. (2011). Brussels: CLR.
Belgium, 2011
The book provides an overview of the implementation of the 96/71/EC Directive in 12 European countries and presents the results of a field survey concerning the working conditions of posted workers in the construction sector. The book includes a chapter on Belgium.
Slovakia: Posted workers
Cziria, L. (2010). EurWORK, Eurofound.
Slovakia, 2010
This short questionnaire for the Eurofound observatory on working conditions, provides an overview of the situation of posted workers in Slovakia as of 2010, with some information on the legal framework and stakeholders.
Straniero, non estraneo: ABC della sicurezza sul lavoro: Opuscolo informativo per i lavoratori stranieri e le loro famiglie [Foreigner, not stranger: ABC of safety at work: Information brochure for foreign workers and their families]
INAIL (2010). Rome: INAIL.
Italy, 2010
This booklet provides information on safety in the workplace and protection of foreign workers and their families. It is available in 10 languages (Italian, Albanian, Arabic, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Filipino, Ukrainian).
Posting report Slovakia
Mesároš, P. (2009). European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and European Construction Industry Federation.
Slovakia, 2009
The report lists the rules and regulations for employment in Slovakia as of 2009. There is a special section on safety at work in the construction industry.
Austria: EWCO comparative analytical report on Information, consultation and participation of workers concerning health and safety
Krenn, M. (2010). EurWORK, Eurofound.
Austria, 2010
This report summarizes the OSH situation of workers in Austria and the regulatory framework as of 2010. It was prepared for Eurofound’s observatory on working conditions (EWCO) and offers a first orientation of the system, but does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically.
OSH in figures: stress at work — facts and figures
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2009). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Luxembourg, 2009
This report discusses the prevalence of stress and the trends in work-related stress in the Member States of the European Union (based on international and national data), identifying those groups particularly exposed to stress in their working lives, subdivided by age, gender, sector, occupation, and employment status.
L’analyse des risques [Risk analysis]
Belgian Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (2009). Brussels: SPF.
Belgium, 2009
This guide presents a detailed overview of roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in the dynamic risk management system (employers, supervisors, prevention advisors, workers, committee for prevention and protection at work). It does not mention the situation of posted workers specifically as general legislation applies to them.
Posting of workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) - Country report for Albania
Agolli, M. & Deliu, N. (2018). Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) Country Report for Albania. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Albania, 2018
The Albanian case study focuses on examining the existing legal and regulatory framework, governance indicators, human capacities as well as the institutional arrangement, inter-agency cooperation and stakeholder engagement. The analysis is used to identify what needs to be done or improved in order to develop the proper capacities for the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) in Albania.
Posting of workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) - Country report for Montenegro
Cukut Krilić, S. & Vah Jevšnik, M. (2018). Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) Country Report for Montenegro. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Montenegro, 2018
The Montenegrin case study focuses on examining the existing legal and regulatory framework, governance indicators, human capacities as well as the institutional arrangement, inter-agency cooperation and stakeholder engagement. The analysis is used to identify what needs to be done or improved in order to develop the proper capacities for the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) in Montenegro.
Posting of workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) - Country report for North Macedonia
Ilijevski, K. & Iloska, A. (2018). Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) Country Report for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
North Macedonia, 2018
The Macedonian case study focuses on examining the existing legal and regulatory framework, governance indicators, human capacities as well as the institutional arrangement, inter-agency cooperation and stakeholder engagement. The analysis is used to identify what needs to be done or improved in order to develop the proper capacities for the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (now North Macedonia).
Posting of workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) - Country report for Serbia
Djuric, K. & Tiodorovic, G. (2018). Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) Country Report for Serbia. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Serbia, 2018
The Serbian case study focuses on examining the existing legal and regulatory framework, governance indicators, human capacities as well as the institutional arrangement, inter-agency cooperation and stakeholder engagement. The analysis is used to identify what needs to be done or improved in order to develop the proper capacities for the implementation of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) in Serbia.
From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria via Slovenia: migration and posting of third country nationals in the EU
Danaj, S., Geyer, L., Cukut Krilić, S., Toplak, K., Vah Jevšnik, M. (2020). Vienna: European Centre; Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU
Austria, Slovenia, 2020
The report investigates the main characteristics of the trend of posting third country nationals to work in the EU construction sector. It focuses on the specific regional labour mobility patterns between Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) as a third country, Slovenia as a sending country, and Austria as a receiving country. The report is based on the insights provided by representatives of the national policy-making and enforcement authorities (ministries of labour, labour inspectorates, public employment agencies, agencies for social protection), trade unions and employers’ organizations, NGOs, and research institutions in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia.
From Morocco and Tunisia to Belgium via Italy: migration and posting of third country nationals
Cillo, R. (2020). Venice: Ca' Foscari University
Italy, 2020
The report explores the main characteristics of the trend of posting of Moroccan and Tunisian immigrants by Italian companies to work in the Belgian construction sector and draws from literature review and data collected through three focus groups organised to explore the role of Italy (sending perspective), Belgium (receiving perspective), Morocco and Tunisia (third countries perspective).
From Ukraine to Finland and Estonia via Poland: migration and posting of third country nationals
Kall, K., Brzozowska, A., Lillie, N., Matuszczyk, K. & Salamońska J. (2020). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä; Warsaw: University of Warsaw
Finland, Poland, 2020
This report gives an overview of the Con3Post project research that analyses a new and understudied phenomenon of posting third country nationals (TCNs) in the European construction sector, with a special focus on the posting flow involving workers from Ukraine being posted to Finland and Estonia through Poland. The research highlights severe regulatory challenges related to the phenomenon. These include posted TCNsbeing exposed to multiple vulnerabilities that are even more extreme than intra-European Union (EU) posted workers are usually exposed to.
Cukut Krilić, S., Toplak, K. & Vah Jevšnik, M. (2020). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU
Slovenia, 2020
The study compares the findings from three Con3Post regional reports on mobility and posting flows between EU-sending, EU-receiving and third countries, namely Slovenia, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina; Italy, Belgium, Tunisia and Morocco; and Poland, Finland, Estonia and Ukraine. The study explores the main characteristics of the trend of posting of third country nationals (TCN) to work in the EU construction sector and focuses in particular on i) the labour market dynamics, ii) migration and mobility trends, iii) labour rights, occupational safety and health, iv) vulnerabilities of TCN posted workers, and v) management of transnational workplaces.
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Austria
Danaj, S., Kayran, E. N., Zólyomi, E., Prinz, N. & Geyer, L. (2023). Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Austria, 2023
This country report for Austria aims to present the perspectives of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector in terms of access to information on the posting of workers. The report is based on three data collection methodologies: a mapping exercise of the channels of information available, expert interviews with the national stakeholders, and a survey with posting and receiving companies based in Austria.
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Belgium
De Smedt, L. & De Wispelaere, F. (2023). Leuven: HIVA‑KU Leuven.
Belgium, 2023
This country report for Belgium aims to present the perspectives of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector in terms of access to information on the posting of workers. The report is based on three data collection methodologies: a mapping exercise of the channels of information available, expert interviews with the national stakeholders, and a survey with posting and receiving companies based in Belgium.
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Italy
Cillo, R. & Perocco, F. (2023). Venice: Ca'Foscari University.
Italy, 2023
This country report for Italy aims to present the perspectives of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector in terms of access to information on the posting of workers. The report is based on three data collection methodologies: a mapping exercise of the channels of information available, expert interviews with the national stakeholders, and a survey with posting and receiving companies based in Italy.
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Slovakia
Kureková, L.M., Moran, A., Kováčová, L., Studená, I. (2023). Bratislava: Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
Slovakia, 2023
This country report for Slovakia aims to present the perspectives of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector in terms of access to information on the posting of workers. The report is based on three data collection methodologies: a mapping exercise of the channels of information available, expert interviews with the national stakeholders, and a survey with posting and receiving companies based in Slovakia.
INFO-POW: Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. Country report Slovenia
Vah Jevšnik, M. & Toplak, K. (2023). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU.
Slovenia, 2023
This country report for Slovenia aims to present the perspectives of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector in terms of access to information on the posting of workers. The report is based on three data collection methodologies: a mapping exercise of the channels of information available, expert interviews with the national stakeholders, and a survey with posting and receiving companies based in Slovenia.
Comparative report of the survey on posting and receiving companies in the construction sector
De Smedt, L., Zólyomi, E., Kayran, E.N., De Wispelaere, F. & Danaj, S. (2023). INFO-POW project. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, 2023
The study at hand presents findings from original empirical research collected through an online survey about the access to information of posting and receiving companies regarding the posting of workers. As the first of its kind, this pilot survey study provides a window into the posting information access practices, challenges, needs, and recommendations of posting and receiving companies in the construction sector. The details of the process of preparing and implementing the survey are provided in the INFO-POW survey manual.
Survey manual of the survey on posting and receiving companies in the construction sector
De Smedt, L., Zólyomi, E., Kayran, E.N., De Wispelaere, F. & Danaj, S. (2023). INFO-POW project. Vienna: European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research.
Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, 2023
This survey manual is developed in the context of the INFO-POW project, which aims to assess the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers. The research team set up a 15-minute online survey targeted at construction companies (comprising both enterprises and self-employed persons) that post workers abroad (posting companies) or receive posted workers from abroad (receiving companies). The online survey was conducted in five EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, and Slovenia) as case countries. The manual describes the questionnaire development process, the questionnaire content and translation, the setup of the survey, the dissemination of the survey, the data collection phase and fieldwork outcomes, and the processing of the collected data and reporting of the survey results.